Weight loss laser treatment offers great benefits to people with fat. This treatment option can help you achieve your goals faster. However, if you are still wondering if laser weight loss treatment works, you are not alone. You can find a doctor who offers laser treatments. A qualified doctor will use a local anesthetic before the procedure and will insert a small tube that removes fat. After the procedure, the incision will be closed. Once the laser beams hit your body part, they will coagulate small blood vessels, reducing the chance of bleeding.
SculpSure body contouring:
The SculpSure body contouring laser is an ideal treatment for those who have stubborn fat that won’t go away even with diet and exercise. This laser uses a precise wavelength to target adipose tissue. The laser passes safely through the skin, and almost all of the energy is absorbed by the targeted fat cells.
Zerona lasers:
A new laser treatment called Zerona uses low-level laser light to target fat cells and release their contents. This technique is completely non-invasive and does not require surgery. The zerona laser breaks down the fat cell membrane, emulsifying the fat and moving it into the interstitial space.
A randomized clinical study of 60 patients shows that zerona treatment can help patients lose up to two inches from their waist circumference. It works by targeting localized, subcutaneous fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. It is recommended that patients undergo zerona treatments a minimum of 12 times within six weeks.
Red light therapy:
Red light therapy helps reduce the appearance of cellulite, the dimpled appearance of the skin that results from fat deposits. The light helps to stimulate collagen and elastin production and improves microcirculation. Moreover, it increases cellular metabolism to boost cell regeneration. This is helpful for people who have lost weight but still have stretch marks.
CoolSculpting is a non-surgical laser treatment for weight loss. It targets small areas of excess fat in healthy individuals. It is not suitable for obese people. It works by freezing fat cells to remove them. While it is an effective way to reduce the fat in specific areas of the body, it does not have the same long-term effect as weight loss surgery. Those who want to see more visible results should consider combining this procedure with healthy lifestyle changes.